Magical Light and Shadow in Nature

The exhibition presents a painstaking observation and interpretation of the theme of “nature” that infuses Taiwanese artist Hsin-Yueh Lin’s lifetime of painting. Brilliant works from every stage of the artist’s life can allow deep understanding of how Lin deploys scenery as a text, reflecting the local reality and humanistic pulse of Taiwan through a special angle exclusive to him personally. The National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts’s exhibition Hsin-Yueh Lin: Magical Light and Shadow in Nature has assembled Lin’s captivating large-scale creations of recent years. The epic grandeur of these works is shaped by their sheer size, shape structure, light and shade, and magnificent colors. Through the majestic views in these paintings, the audience can feel the charm of the Taiwanese landscape under the painter’s brush, as well as feel the power of the times in these images of his motherland as seen through his eyes.