
《博物館與文化》Journal of Museum and Culture



本刊一年出版二期,於每年六月及十二月出刊,刊載博物館學及跨文化研究相關領域之學術論文及評論文章,亦將策劃專輯(Special Issue)主動徵稿。誠摰地邀請海內外學者專家賜稿。




Journal of Museum and Culture

 Journal of Museums and Culture (JMC)

The Journal of Museums and Culture (JMC) is a journal dedicated to elevating the quality of academic research on museology, expanding of theory and perspectives regarding museology in contemporary cultural development, as well as providing a publishing platform for original academic papers. The Journal welcomes scholars from home and abroad to contribute manuscripts.

Published twice a year in June and December, the Journal schedules special issues regularly and actively invites scholars to submit manuscripts.

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