
《悠遊台灣博物館》Enjoying Taiwan’s Museums







Enjoying Taiwan’s Museums  2022 Edition

Museum are a depository of human cultural history. Not only have they witnessed many important moments in the course of humanity, but they have also had a considerable influence on the presentation of cultural imagery.

Museums can be considered as the frame around the window that looks into human culture and creativity, as well as a treasure trove of knowledge shared by human society as a whole.

Museums have existed in Taiwan for over 100 years, and in 2015, Taiwan passed its first museum law, which will see the implementation of new developments for generations to come, including many international exchanges to and from Taiwan.

This guide to the museums of Taiwan presents a timeline of the diverse history of museums throughout Taiwan’s five main sub-districts: the North, Central, South, East, and Outlying Island.



《悠遊台灣博物館》 中文版
《Enjoying Taiwan’s Museums》English Edition






Enjoying Taiwan’s Museums  2016 Edition

The Chinese Association of Museums (CAM) published the first edition of Enjoying Taiwan’s Museums in 2011 with a vision to promote the unique development and cultural diversities of museums in Taiwan. Since then, the book has been disseminated in various cultural events in Taiwan and abroad. As the legislature passed the Museum Law in 2015, in which the different types and features of museums are re-examined, and we are able to publish a revised edition in 2016 funded by the Ministry of Cultural (MOC).

This edition of Enjoying Taiwan’s Museums includes introductions to 100 public and private museums in Taiwan. At the end of the book, we have included an overview of the distinctive cultural landscapes and traditional seasonal rites in this island. With Enjoying Taiwan’s Museums at hand, we hope our readers will be able to enjoy the refinement and a variety of museums in Taiwan wherever and whenever they go.

《楽しい台湾博物館めぐり》2016 Edition

