
America’s Literary Landscape


❉ 活動內容:

從首位美國作家提筆創作的那一刻起,美國浩瀚多變的景致,已成為美國文學傳統中不朽的風光。作家逼真生動的描述,讓世世代代的讀者得以透過不同角色的視線,一覽美國的壯麗山河;而這千山萬水,也成了故事中不可或缺的角色。少了密西西比河的滾滾流水,哈克‧芬與他的木筏將漂泊何處?少了阿拉斯加的荒蠻原野,白牙又能夠馳騁何方?從卡爾•桑德堡筆下閃閃發光的芝加哥摩天大樓,到約翰•史坦貝克的加州金山,美國獨特的地理風貌,彷彿是座源源不絕的靈感之泉,幫助作者精確地刻劃出美國的國家精神。「描繪美國: 美國文學行旅特展」介紹十四位美國作家的生平作品,以及他們與城市和週遭自然環境的關係,用他們的文字結合照片與現代科技,希望能讓觀者身歷其境。歡迎各位前來盡情探索美國奇妙的地理風景,飽覽美國文學的萬般風采。

From the moment the first American author put pen to paper, the vast and varied landscape of the United States has been an essential part of America’s literary tradition. Through their vivid descriptions, American authors have allowed generations of readers to experience the majesty of the land through their characters’ eyes, making the landscape an indispensable part of the story. Where would Huckleberry Finn be without a Mississippi River to guide his raft down? What is White Fang without the wilds of Alaska to run through? From the gleaming skyscrapers of Carl Sandburg’s Chicago to the golden hills of John Steinbeck’s

California, America’s unique geography has long served as a wellspring of inspiration for authors looking to capture the spirit of their nation. This exhibition showcases 14 American writers and their relationship with the cities and natural world that surrounded them, combining words, photos, and modern technology to create a truly immersive experience. So come lose yourself in the vistas of the United States, as you explore America’s Literary Landscape.


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❉ 地點

❉ 連絡人及電話
國立臺灣文學館 展示教育組 程先生 06-2217201#2310

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開放時間:星期二 至 星期日 09:00~18:00
星期一 休館 (如遇颱風期間,依台南市政府公布停班標準,齊東詩舍依台北市政府停班標準,配合休館;其餘休館時間依官網公告為主。)